Dribble Creek Culvert Removal
“This project was lucky enough to have a great group of people behind it. Hancock Forest Management Group, the landowners of the site, were super supportive and came to the site ready to partner on getting this culvert out. Aquatic Contracting did a great job of executing the vision with great detail and a quality final product. This culvert was initially brought to the landowner as a potential project just last September, so under a year from start to finish. We had to have a lot of support to make this happen that quickly!”
- Monica Blanchard, Columbia SWCD Project Manager, 2018
Location: Headwater tributary of the Clatskanie River, off Schaffer Road, “Middle of nowhere”
Partners: Hancock Forest Management, Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS), Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW), Columbia River Youth Corps, and the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB)
Contractor: Aquatic Contracting
Funding: Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board (OWEB)
The goal of this project was to improve fish passage and aquatic habitat in the creek by removing an undersized and perched culvert and placing felled trees in and around the creek to mimic natural processes.
In July 2018, the Columbia SWCD oversaw implementation of a project along Dribble Creek, a small tributary of the Clatskanie River. SWCD staff applied for and received funding from the OR Watershed Enhancement Board for this project in early spring. The property is owned by Hancock Forest Management, an industrial timber company. The culvert in question was beneath a decommissioned logging road providing an opportunity to remove the road-grade and completely open up the creek for fish passage, improved hydrology, and enhanced habitat.
Approximately one mile of upstream habitat was opened up and native plants were installed around the project site as well.